.......Please send any photos from the weekend, that you wish to share, to Mick, using the button below...........I will try and get them online asap........

Following the inaugural gathering of the Exeter crews from HMS Exeter WW2 Cruiser and Type 42 Destroyer, a committee was formed to help promote and take the merged Associations forward so the great name of HMS Exeter remains.

Membership to the Association has continued to grow and next year the second gathering is scheduled to take place on Saturday 4th March in Exeter, where we hope we will be joined by Exeter ratings from all periods of the ships career.  (Membership is free, click here to join)

The intended format is along the same lines as this year’s successful event in which over 250 Old Exeter’s gathered, marched and celebrated with old shipmates and new friends.

In 2017 there is a double celebration planned.  It will be the 75th Anniversary of the sinking of the Cruiser Exeter in the Java Sea; and it will be the 35th Anniversary of the Falklands Conflict in which D89 Exeter served.  But this is not just about those crews, it’s about the ships and all who sailed on them or are related to someone who served on them.  This is an opportunity to meet up with old ship mates and like-minded people who all have a common connection of a ship that is fondly remembered by all who served on her.

On Friday 3rd there will be an informal gathering as everyone arrives at their hotels in preparation for Saturday’s event.

Saturday will start with a Civic Reception hosted by the Lord Mayor.  (Due to restricted numbers not everyone will be able to attend, but the committee will ensure there is a fair representation from both Exeter’s and from each period of Exeter’s time)

The Civic Reception will be followed by a March through the streets of Exeter to the Cathedral.

At the Cathedral there will be a Remembrance Service where Wreaths will be laid to honour all Old Exeter’s who were lost during WW2 and those we have lost since.

Following the Service a buffet lunch will be provided in the White Ensign Club where there will be an opportunity to exchange stories of your time onboard your ship.

On Saturday evening there will be a more informal gathering in the White Ensign Club so everyone can continue to spin the dits and reminisce about old times.

We hope that as an Old Exeter Rating, or a family member of one, you will take the decision to join us and share in the celebrations and remembrance of 2 great ships on which we were all proud to have served.  Semper Fidelis.

Click here for much more detailed information.

When?   3/4th March 2017

What's happening?  Friday evening -Informal get together.  Saturday -Civic reception (Very limited numbers)/Parade through the centre of Exeter accompanied by Royal Marines band/ Lunch at the White Ensign Club/ Evening reunion event/Up Spirits.

Do I need to book/pay?  Yes. Please see the button below.

Where to stay?

Mercure Hotel - Southernhay East EX1 1QF  Tel : 01392/412812     eMail : H6624@accor.com

White Hart (opposite WEC)-  66 South Street, Exeter, EX1 1EE  Tel: 01392279897  eMail: WhiteHart.Exeter@marstons.co.uk

St Olave's Hotel - Mary Arches Street, Exeter, EX4 3AZ Tel: 01392 217 736  eMail: info@olaves.co.uk 

Jury's Inn - Western Way, Exeter, EX1 2DB  Tel: +44 1392 312400  eMail: jurysinnexeter@jurysinns.com

Premier Inn - Southernhay Gardens EX1 1SG  Tel: 0871 5279570  Web: http://www.premierinn.com/

Many others are available.  Trivago/Hotels.com can help with good rates..........

Download an event poster for your club, messetc

Size : 102.034 Kb
Type : jpg

Can you offer a spare seat in your car for anyone else traveling to the event?

.......Lifts offered/required can be posted here and/or on the Facebook page.

New parking restrictions starting end Feb 2017.  Many new roads in Exeter city centre are now resident permit only.  More details here.

Some roads surrounding the parade route will be closed, directly prior to the parade.  If travelling up on Saturday Morning please leave ample time to navigate around town and park! 

Please select the type of ticket you wish to order.....Then pickquantity in the next screen.

Single Ticket

£ 25 


1 ticket - Not including evening social (Maccasar Group)

£ 20 


For those preferring to pay by Bank Transfer, please use:

Bank: Halifax

Account Number 00428197

Sort Code: 11-06-03

Remember to let us know you are coming, using the form or by emailing hms_exeterassociation@hotmail.com

Details of who is attending

Civic Reception (Very few places)

Check here for other events